Clinton, we eventually found out everything that he was -- a self-absorbed liar, a cheat, a thief, an abuser of power and unrepentant womanizer, probably even a rapist. Oh, and a totally incompetent president, besides. One who cared little for national security issues.
But, if anything, the Gore candidacy demonstrated something even worse. I've been old enough to follow presidential campaigns since 1952. Without a doubt, Albert Gore was the densest, most obtuse person who has undertaken to run for the office -- much less become the nominee of a major party.
It is not difficult to see how he barely got by grade-wise at Yale (and the grades were likely gifts) and, then, flunked out of Vanderbilt. It's than IQ...he just doesn't seem to know how to do things/get things done/how things work, etc.
In retrospect, it was stunning to see him taken seriously as a candidate for the most powerful office in the world. Algore was incapable of managing a convenience store, gas station, Dairy Queen, you name it. Had Bill Clinton not named him as his VP, Gore would never have achieved nomination.
At least, I'd like to think so.