Rather than see our plain and shining example and create similar systems in their own lands ... the lazy dolts want to just run in here and kill the goose that lays the eggs. Grasshoppers.
It occurs to me that our PC ways are threatening us in ways I had never realized. Being a 'nice guy' just doesn't work in world geopolitics. Nations must adopt a more butal morality than is possible in a neighborhood or even a city or state.
Turning the other cheek may work on a personal level to turn away wrath but such behaviour on the international scale now has us on the ropes. We need to repel our enemies with a force ten times anything projected against us. ON THE FIRST OFFENSE. Our pasivity has already vastly eroded the American way of life. It has given our many enemies courage and boldness. We need to reduce them to pasivity once again. Soon.
That's the purpose of the anti-white, anti-American Political Correctness campaign that has been foisted on Americans the last thirty years.