A friend of mine was in a large audience waiting for the speaker to start. The first thing the speaker asked was "Who here is from a dysfunctional family?" All but one or two raised their hands. We all come from some kind of dysfunction in our pasts, we butch up and go on. I don't care what their childhood was like, they are adults now and that is what matters. They are old enough to make their own decisions now.
It's true that some children can grow up in the worst of families and end up good role models. And some children from the best of families can end up criminals. I recall the family of one of the female suicide bombers (I've forgotten her name) were shocked she would do it.
However, the chances are good that if a child is taught criminal behavior, if his parents hate this country, if he is left with the TV as a babysitter and exposed to all that mind pollution, he will end up a bad guy.