If the proposed concentration of authorities would be a good or a bad thing depends on the same thing. For example, it was against the law for certain information to be freely shared between the FBI and CIA, a fact which certainly played into us not being able to thwart 9/11. Making it so that such coordination in the future would be possible would be a step forward, not a step backwards.
And a terrorist is someone who flies planes into buildings, or straps bombs onto themselves or others or inatimate objects for that matter for the purposes of destroying innocents to increase fear, or any number of other similar persons.
And of course, it was the Democrats who were responsible for that part. A lot of the problems in our intelligence community go back to the Church Committee. This ought to be brought out at some point, and I bet this is why the Dems will eventually give up on these investigations.
Because if they go down this road, you will eventually see a number of people who will point all this out. From the Church Committee to the "Dear Commandante" letter to "Leaky Leahy" to Torricelli's leak in 1995, the Democrats will have had a clear history of hindering our intelligence community, and it will NOT be pretty when people put two and two together and see how the same people claiming "we should have known" may have helped to tie the shoelaces together of the folks who could have run down the facts.
And WHEN that happens, it will be ugly for the Democrats.