Allow me:
THIS WEEK, 1/23/00
George Will: With regard to campaign finance, your opponent Senator McCain has made much of his pledge to ban soft money. You say that would be bad for the Republican Party. I want to see if you agree with those who say it would be bad for the First Amendment?
I know you're not a lawyer, you say that with some pride, but do you think a president - and we've got a lot of non-lawyer presidents - has a duty to make an independent judgment of what is and is not constitutional, and veto bills that, in his judgment, he thinks are unconstitutional?
Governor Bush: I do.
Will: In which case, would you veto the McCain-Feingold bill, or the Shays-Meehan bill?
Governor Bush: That's an interesting question. I - I - yes I would. And the reason why is two[fold]. For one, I think it does restrict free speech for individuals. As I understand how the bill was written - I think there's been two versions of it - but as I understand the first version restricted individuals and/or groups from being able to express their opinion.