The principle that the government shall not pay for, or sponsor in any other way, the practice of abortion is far more valuable to me than the fantasized "hundreds of thousands" of dollars for the temporary survival of the baby,(which I seriously doubt is actually much more than all the corollary costs etc. of an abortion, especially if the abortionist knows he's sending his bill to the government) no matter what kind of shape "it" is in.
In fact, even if you took these hundreds of thousands of hypothetical, for the argument, dollars and divided them by the millions and millions of taxpayers, each of us would be contributing pennies for that purely imaginary cost.
In short, the principle that the government never, ever pay for abortions is so much more important than Bannie's outrage over these pennies (is he some kind of libertarian or something?) that I'll have to side with you on this one.
Not solely out of sentiment either, but out of simple cold-blooded logic. If I were a libertarian I would feel even more strongly on drawing the line here on this particular issue, but thank God I am not.
In fact, I've found that God has very very little to do with the pseudo-philosophical rantings of the Libertarians. For them it's all about "Me and my wife, my son John and his wife, us four and no more."
All the best
God Bless America and those who risk their all for Her safety and for the safety of ALL of Her citizens.