I believe there was a homeland defense office at the pentagon.
Issues for Consideration:
During the past two years, three major commissions have examined the homeland security mission from three different perspectives. The Bremer Commission focused on terrorism. The Gilmore Commission looked at response to acts of terrorism from the state perspective. The Hart-Rudman Commission examined a wide range of national security challenges America will face in the 21st Century, ranging from education to the aging federal workforce. However, the number one priority recommendation (out of a total of 50) from the Hart-Rudman Commission Phase Three Report was "to secure the American homeland."
Students will need to be familiar with the primary recommendations of these three commissions and their points of agreement and disagreement. Representatives from the Gilmore, Hart-Rudman, and Bremer Commissions will be invited to class to discuss their personal perspectives on Homeland Security.
Required Readings:
National Security Study Group Phase III Report, (Hart-Rudman), Executive Summary, http://www.homelandsecurity.org/sugg_reading/Phase_III_Report.pdf
Countering the Changing Threat of International Terrorism, (Bremer Commission), http://www.terrorism.com/documents/bremercommission/index.shtml
The Final Report of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction Releases Second Annual Report. (Gilmore Commission), http://www.rand.org/organization/nsrd/terrpanel/terror.pdf