"Sad as it is to say maybe the Republican party needs to die a quick death. There is little to distinguish them from their brother Democrats now. Hopefully a coalition of freedom loving people could raise a new party from the ashes. One that really was conservative versus the one that now falsely claims to be."
To which you replied:
"What's that saying I've heard...... "Republicans eat their own." ........ seems to be happening right here and now..... and YOU are the eater. WHEN in the last 200 years has a third party gotten a majority vote in anything? HUH? WHEN? I give up. Too hard to explain anymore."
Are you saying that IF the GOP did indeed die a quick death that the Dems would forever win because there would be a void? The GOP as currently constituted does not do enough to differentiate itself from the Dems. Yes, there are differences, but mostly in speed and degree, not in overall philospy.
Look at where we are now. The GOP can barely defend the positions that the Dems held in the '60's and now we are outspending them. Kennedy was for a huge tax cut and HHH was is favor of private ownership of guns and both were defenders of freedom even though they were bleeding heart liberals. What we 'GOP bashers' are fighting for is a party that will fight for us. Is that too much to ask?
Huh if that was true Goldwater wouldn't have had such a stinging deafeat in 1964.
I disagree. There are huge differences on foreign policy, abortion, tax cuts, gay rights, gun control, property rights, state rights, and national defense, to name a few.