I've got a better idea. Just don't use credit. Save up and pay cash. A lot of times, when you have to save up for something it gives you time to ponder whether you really need that item or if your money wouldn't be better off going into a mutual fund for your retirement. The instant gratification that comes with a credit card will always compel you to "buy it now."
I gave up using credit 4 or 5 years ago. My quality of life has gone up exponentially. There's something about being responsible with money that leads you to be even more responsible and even parsimonious.
People who say they can't make it without credit haven't tried hard enough. Two years ago, I saved up and paid cash for a car. And I don't have a six figure income.
And what is your take on emergencies? Or better yet, what would constitute an emergency for you? Does your philosophy allow for any exceptions?