The greedy, self-centered should be lined up, and sprayed with a flame thrower!
Can someone explain why poor women, both on welfare and working poor, intentionally choose mates and fathers for their children who provide no security of any kind. This is true of both Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans. There are many Steve Erkels and Carleton type geeks out there who are very hetero-sexual and eager, but unable to find anyone to even date them. I was one of them until I was 35.
I bet no generalization is true. Some women choose dumb, some smart, some rich, some poor, some seek fun, or excitement, others seek security. the same is true of men. Not all men seek the same type of woman. But given that, I've seen a lot more geeks than other types who are unable to find a woman who will even have a cup of coffee with them.