1 posted on
05/22/2002 8:24:30 PM PDT by
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To: blam
"Truth is seen as an irrelevant category," he says."There is only that which serves your purpose and that which doesn't.Bears repeating over and over again.
To: blam
Arabs do lie A LOT! And right out in the open, where they have to know they will get caught. Its really embarassing to watch.
Is there no prohibition in Islam against lying? Probably doesn't matter if you lie to an infidel.
4 posted on
05/22/2002 8:29:41 PM PDT by
To: blam
If I recall, there's an Arabic word that expresses the concept, but I don't remember it (fayyiq?)--not that Arabic culture condones lying (in fact, it deplores it); but lying to infidel is an acceptable breach of the duty to keep faith...sort of like lying to an axe murderer about where his intended victim went.
5 posted on
05/22/2002 8:29:43 PM PDT by
To: blam
Newsflash. Glad he came out and said it on the record. Remiscent of the BillyBoy, for that matter...Bill Clinton--our first Arab President!
To: blam
I seem to like ex-PM Barak a lot more than the PM Barak I remember.
To: blam
It took Ehud "Slobodan" Barak two years to discover the truth that Yasser Arafat is a natural born liar? Gee what planet was he living on when he was Prime Minister? How can you even reach agreements with people whose word you cannot trust them to keep? The fairy tale of Oslo exposed. And I don't exactly think Barak's fellow Labor Party leaders have heard this disclosure.
To: blam
He says: "The deputy director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation once told me that there are societies in which lie detectors don't work, societies in which lies do not create cognitive dissonance [on which the tests are based]."Not only societies, but individuals -- psychopaths (for example, Clinton), and their hired guns (for example, Carville). Ex-PM Barak may recognize those names.
12 posted on
05/22/2002 8:36:38 PM PDT by
To: blam
Pretty common knowledge. "They" don't consider it lying. The goal is to get what they want and whatever it takes is OK. Especially if they are dealing with an infidel.
My uncle was all over the middle east in the 60's. I remember when I was a kid he said that the Arabs were "all crazy, all liars and all queers." And that someday "we would regret doing business with them". He also talked about how they had to pray 5 times a day, could only wipe their a$$es a certain way, etc.
Lying is part of Islam.
To: blam
"Truth is seen as an irrelevant category," he says."There is only that which serves your purpose and that which doesn't. They see themselves as emissaries of a national movement for whom everything is permissible. There is no such thing as 'the truth'."Sounds like those congenital liars, Hildebeast and Slick.
To: blam
Negotiating with an Arab is like trying to nail cigarette smoke to the wall.
Not only do they lie about things they have said in previous meetings, just for fun, they lie about things they just said. And then lie about their previous lies.
I would rather chew a jumbo roll of aluminum foil then try and negotiate anything with an Arab.
18 posted on
05/22/2002 8:43:17 PM PDT by
To: blam
Maybe what you have to do is ask them if they swear by Allah it's the truth. That ought to give them pause.
To: blam; *Taqiyya List
Nice one.
To: blam
He is absolutely
CORRECT! It is our Judeo-Christian values and mores that distinguishes the West and Israel from the Arabs.
31 posted on
05/22/2002 9:18:12 PM PDT by
To: blam
So true!
I used to sell U.S. consumer goods to South America. Many of my clients were Syrian, Lebanese, and Iraqi migrants.
We kept what I called the "towel head" price list, twice list price , with the aim to settle on original list. It'd usually take two bottles of Johnny Black to get there (yes, my dear Muslim clients always had the best booze).
Now, the strategy wasn't contained to just them. For our Jewish clients, we had another list, called the... erh, well, we won't got there... anyway, it, too, started a bit higher from list. The difference was that it was presented as half-again as high, but with a 2-for-1 deal.
Our native's list price was always list. They we'd add 10, 20, 30 per cent on terms. They'd take anything at any price on credit.
And yes, I've heard plenty of stories about poor mothers and invalid sisters. This from mult-million dollar retailers. It was all so bloody silly.
The most difficult clients were the occasional Euros or Americans we encountered. They'd actually negotiate on reason and markets, not emotion. What a pain.
Oh, one other thing. My on-site partner was Syrian descent. He was the best salesmen I have ever known.
37 posted on
05/22/2002 9:48:54 PM PDT by
To: blam
In California our state recognizes that lying is what they do as part of their culture.
When my sister was divorcing an Iranian (Praise God) she was telling the government person of all the problems with the truth this guy had. He lied everywhere in order to serve his purpose as said in the story.
The government employee said, "Well, lying is part of their country. They rarely tell the truth"!
Our state knows that, my sister was surprised and her jaw dropped to the ground.
43 posted on
05/22/2002 11:08:46 PM PDT by
A CA Guy
To: blam
"Truth is seen as an irrelevant category," he says."There is only that which serves your purpose and that which doesn't. They see themselves as emissaries of a national movement for whom everything is permissible. There is no such thing as 'the truth'." This explains why the Left loves them so.
To: blam
There is an old joke, it goes like this: The Arabs will lie to please. The English/Americans will lie to get out of trouble. The Russians will lie by habit.
To: blam
There is an old joke, it goes like this: The Arabs will lie to please. The English/Americans will lie to get out of trouble. The Russians will lie by habit.
To: blam
"Truth is seen as an irrelevant category," he says."There is only that which serves your purpose and that which doesn't. They see themselves as emissaries of a national movement for whom everything is permissible. There is no such thing as 'the truth'." This is why the Left gets along so well with the Islamists. Both Communism and Islamism have the same contempt for objective truth
To: blam
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