Is this the guy who led the charge at Ruby Ridge or Waco?
Is this the guy who led the charge at Ruby Ridge or Waco?"
John Magaw - Lies, Inc.: Meet the New Magaw
"In the past decade, ATF agents have served over 10,000 search warrants. Not one of them has led to any finding of constitutional violations by an employee acting outside the scope or his or her authority."
John Magaw - Source
"I don't feel we should have lethal weapons in the cockpit,"
Norman Mineta - Source
Tom Ridge - Says Terrorism Is Permanent
Ridge comment on pilots out of step
"I don't think we want to equip our pilots with firearms, That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Where would it end?"
Tom Ridge - Source
"Thats why Im for instant background checks at gun shows. Im for trigger locks."
George W. Bush - Source: St. Louis debate Oct 17, 2000.
"W. Wimps Out on Guns"
The Bush package includes several pet causes of the gun-control lobby, including $75 million for gun locks; $15.3 million for 113 new federal attorneys to serve as full-time gun prosecutors; and $19.1 million to expand a program by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms aimed at preventing youths from obtaining guns. Although Bush stressed that he simply wants to "enforce existing laws," the fine print of Project Safe echoes the gun-grabbing Left's call to ban the importation of high-capacity ammunition clips."
"During her San Diego speech, for instance, she said nothing about the school shooting that occurred 20 miles away in El Cajon the day before, although in a television interview she condemned it, adding that she thinks more gun control laws are needed.
"I think that's very important," she said when asked by CNN whether stronger gun laws are needed."
Project Safe Neighborhoods, A Closer Look
NEA Resource Text Guide In Regards To The Extreme Right -Where Do Your Kids Go To School?
"The radical right says it is pro-life but it bitterly opposes gun control legislation"
Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act
Republican help - What are friends for?
Gun Owners Group Takes Aim at Lott (Treason On 2ndAmd, Gungrab Sununu Vs Patriot GunChampion Smith)
The Supreme Court Will Never Safeguard Your Gun Rights
DOJ briefs to the Supreme Court that we've been reading about (Emerson, etc)
Justice Department's legal opinion on Second Amendment is "politically schizophrenic,"
"Had I known that the enemy was going to use airplanes to kill on that fateful morning, I would have done everything in my power to protect the American people,"
George W. Bush - Source