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To: Zon

neo-tech FAQ - Ward Wallace ?

From Stan Gabowski <>
Date Fri, 24 Jul 1998 14:27:23 GMT
Warnings-To <>

"!!++Chief- Parasite- eliminator" sallanngge@bellsouth wrote:
>you have read all the material and are an expert analyist, posting your
>proundty's is like farting in the north wind, if you are4 facing north
2. Who is Dr. Frank R. Wallace?

Frank R. Wallace, founder of the Neo-Tech cult, is actually one Wallace
Ward.  He also writes as Dr. Higgs Field and John Flint (JF).

3. Is he really a Dr.?

Yes.  But despite what you might think by his choice of topics, he is
not a
physicist or a medical doctor.  He was once an inorganic chemist at
before he went into the far more lucrative field of gambling manuals.

4. Why does he use a pen name?

Two explanations have been offered by those inside the organization:

"They hid behind pen names mostly to make the company appear larger than
really is. The company is really really small. But man do they have
Plus when you come right down to, they lied."
"RE: "Why do they hide behind pseudonyms, anyway?"

"I'm pretty sure it's so they can replace people without exposing the
turn-over. So, while there have been a multitude of customer service
mangers, there is only one Barbie Diamond, who the innocent customer
think is an I&O lifer. And of course, the names contain memes; like
are really beatuifull blondes covered in diamonds working at

5. Who are the real people behind Neo-Tech?

Wallace Ward and his relatives.
Here's some information on them partially based on a message by

                            The Ward Family

* Wallace Ward - creator of Neo-Tech. Writes under the name of Frank R.
Wallace, Dr. Higgs Field, John Flint, and others.  Estimated age: early
Posts to the net as

* Rosa Maria Meono - Wallace Ward's wife.  She claimed to be a witch.
Estimated age: 60.
May be posting to the net as and, though
her messages bear a striking resemblence to those written by her

* Ruth Ward - daughter of Wallace Ward by Helen Savage.  Estimated age:

* Wallace H. Ward - son of Wallace Ward by Helen Savage. a.k.a. Mark
Hamilton.  Formerly married to T.J. (Terry), who left him.  Estimated
In a recent press release, he states that he is the actual owner of
Neo-Tech Publishing:

"My name is Wallace H. Ward, and I own Neo-Tech Publishing
Company.  My father, Wallace Ward (a.k.a. Dr. Frank R. Wallace)
wrote the Neo-Tech Discovery and founded I & O Publishing
Company in 1968."

* Frank S. Ward - son of Wallace Ward by Helen Savage. a.k.a. Eric
Posts to the net as AKA 'J. Hampton'  Estimated

* Steve Rapella - adopted son of Wallace Ward. Romantic Love Partner of
Ruth Ward (last I heard). a.k.a. John Alberts. Estimated Age: 40.

* Gary Twichell - Wallace Ward's right hand man. Smithers to Ward's Mr.
Burns. Not related to the Ward family, Gary was recruited through the NT
literature. Claims to have created KOAH. (see questions 22 & 23) AKA
Ellis AKA Kenneth Clark.

6. What is I & O Publishing Company?

Wallace Ward's original publishing business.  I & O stands for
'Individualism and Objectivism.'  Originally set up to sell Ward's first
book 'Poker, A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts
Poker', it was shut down in 1991 when Neo-Tech Publishing was formed to
continue the work of selling Neo-Tech to the world.

7. What are the Neo-Tech publications?

The following books are listed in the 'official' bibliography on the web
site.  Other than the mysterious 'Poker Odds' book by Frank Wallace it
complete when it was created, at least so far as I've been able to
They put it up as a GIF of a chart which is poorly scanned and laid out.
I have added a few items that weren't on the chart which have been
announced since I transcribed it.
Note that there have been many editions of some of the books listed
incorporating many revisions, some quite substantive, so your copy of
Neo-Tech Discovery' may not be the same as someone else's brand new
I have tried to preserve the order of the chart, as well as including
full names and psuedonyms of the authors:

 * The Advanced concepts of Poker
   Frank R. Wallace - 1968 - (out of print)
 * Man's Choice/Eric Flame
   Frank R. Wallace - 1970/1972
 * Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia
   Frank R. Wallace - 1976
 * Neocheating
   Frank R. Wallace, Mark Hamilton and W. Swann - 1979
 * The Neo-Tech Discovery
   Frank R. Wallace - 1981/1986/1994
 * The Neo-Tech Protection Kit
   Frank R. Wallace et al - 1988/1994
 * Zonpower Discovery
   Higgs Field, Editor - 1992 (out of print)
 * Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control
   Mark Hamilton - 1989
 * Cassandra's Secret
   Higgs Field, Editor - 1993
   (as Neo-Tech proudly proclaims 'Written in Prison')
 * Neo-Tech Global Business Control
   Eric Savage - 1992
 * Zon 2000
   The Golden Helmet
   Higgs Field, Editor - 1995 - on web site
 * Will America Go Neo-Tech
   Mark Hamilton - 11/3/95
 * ZonPower
   Higgs Field, Editor - 1995 - on web site
   ('The Full Matrix' says the chart - whatever that means)
 * Get Rich by 2001
   Mark Hamilton - 1996 - on web site
 * The Zon Protocols - 1996
   (will be published in 'Cyberspace' - that is, to the Neo-Tech web
 * Flame-War Justice - 1997 (was this ever published? - PoaH)

I have also seen a book entitled "Poker Odds" by Frank Wallace mentioned

"Does anyone know of a reference that contains the probabilities for a
variety of situations for draw, stud, and holdem?  So far the best I
been able to find is "Poker Odds" by Frank Wallace."

 - Subject: Probabilities in draw, stud, and holdem
   From: hein hundal <>
   Date: 1995/08/29
   MessageID: 42096e$

8. How much does this stuff cost?

Here the one price list I have.  More information on other products is
always welcome.

_NeoTech_Product_           _code_      _US$Price_

Cosmic Power (Pincer One)   P1M         US$65.00
Cosmic Business Control     X0M         US$99.95
          (Pincer Two)
A Future of Wealth Belongs  43M         US$29.95
    to You!
Neo-Tech Job Power          60M         US$99.95
Rapid Power and Wealth      B0M         US$39.95
Kick-Start Report           44M         US$29.95
The Ultimate Battle Tapes   Q0M         US$99.95
Consultation Packages       G1M         US$99.95
How to Start a Global       46M         US$29.95
Hot Tips                    42M         US$49.95
Anatomy of Love CD          5CM         US$19.95
Anatomy of Love Cassette    5TM         US$19.95
Happiness Forever           90M         US$24.95
Neo-Tech Reference          D0M         US$59.95
Neo-Tech Treatment          70M         US$30.00
    for Alcoholism
Neo-Tech Pleasures          Y0M         US$17.50
The Complete Neo-Tech       07M         US$95.00

Recently Tony Guzman provided this update to the above list:

>_NeoTech_Product_           _code_      _US$Price_
>Cosmic Power (Pincer One)   P1M         US$65.00
**most recent price I've received:.......US$89.95
  (out of print)

>A Future of Wealth Belongs  43M         US$29.95
>    to You!
**most recent price I've received:.......US$20.00
  (out of print)

>Neo-Tech Job Power          60M         US$99.95
**(out of print)

>Rapid Power and Wealth      B0M         US$39.95
**(out of print)

>Kick-Start Report           44M         US$29.95
**most recent price I've received:.......US$20.00
  (out of print)

>The Ultimate Battle Tapes   Q0M         US$99.95
**(out of print)

>Hot Tips                    42M         US$49.95
**(out of print)

>Neo-Tech Treatment          70M         US$30.00
>    for Alcoholism
**most recent price I've received:.......US$19.95

>Neo-Tech Pleasures          Y0M         US$17.50
**most recent price I've received:.......US$19.95

These prices are supposedly for NT Discovery
owners.  Non-NT owners are charged a higher
price. (snip)

 - From:
   Subject: Re: Where's the products!!
   Date: 28 Jun 1996 14:56:18 GMT
   Message-ID: <4r0rqi$>

9. Did Wallace Ward (Frank R. Wallace) really spend time in jail?


10. What was he doing time for?

The story began in 1986.  According to an ex-employee of I&O publishing:

"I took me a while after going to work for I&O before I got to the REAL
explanation of the 1986 raid on I&O.

"Wallace Ward/Zon's girlfriend got mad at him and ratted him out. She
called up the IRS and and told them that Zon wasn't paying his taxes,
had a bunch of cash and gold stashed away in his home. The IRS showed up
their usual friendly style, and scarfed up the assets. And I believe
the girlfriend got a cut, since the IRS rewards informers. Since then,
incident has become 'fully integrated.'

"Years later, Ward put up a series of billboards (typeset by BMXerToo)
across the street from the Federal Building in Las Vegas. The IRS got
pissed off, and hauled him in. Needless to say, the IRS would respond in
exactly the same way for anyone who pulled such stunts."

 - From:
   Newsgroups: alt.neo-tech
   Subject: 1986 Raid on I&O Publishing Co.
   Date: 23 Aug 1995 00:50:49 GMT
   Organization: Internet Providers of Florida

11. Is Wallace Ward crazy?

Never met him myself.  But here's something to ponder:

In article <3nn44d$>,
Earl Baker <> wrote:

"I know one of Wallace's nieces; she said he lives in Las Vegas.  They
refer to him as "Wally" and she said he believes in 'romantic love'.
Also he worked as a chemist at Dupont for many years.  The
family considers him crazy but generally harmless; and so do I."

12. Is Neo-Tech/ZonPower a cult?

Here are some testimonials by those who used to work for the Neo-Tech
organization, I&O publishing:

"But, upon gaining employment with these folks, I came to realize that
nepotism rules. If you are not a family member your chances of making
big bucks they claim to offer is remote if not impossible. Long hours
meager salaries are the norm for non-family members. Working for these
people was interesting and even fun for a while. The whole idea of
the world" is an appealing one. And to think that _you_ are a part of it
even more seductive. But unfortunately after a while the constant
brow-beatings, the promises made but never kept, and the rampant
begins to make the whole experience akin to a strained bowel movement.
whole organization would better serve the public at large if they
so blatantly condescending. They strut around acting as if they have
given secret information from advanced alien beings. It really is a

 - From:
   Newsgroups: alt.neo-tech
   Subject: Ex-Neo-Techer Speaks
   Date: 17 Aug 1995 19:33:58 -0400

"The event that finally revealed to me the actual nature of these people
was when they didn't keep their word. A $10,000 bonus was offered to all
"core member" if certain business goals were met. When the principal of
company declared the goal achieved the bonuses were disbursed to all
members" excluding myself. It was deemed I was too immature. That pretty
much told me exactly what these folks think about their employees. They
even had the nerve to ask one employee to return his bonus after they
given it him!

"Unless you have been employed by these happy people, you can never
understand the outrageous hipocrisy that pervades everything they do.
Mistakes made by the principals of the company were simply laughed off.
Mistakes made by employees were dealt with in the most severe manner.
times I was fined a significant amount of money for misspellingg a

 - From:
   Newsgroups: alt.neo-tech
   Subject: Re: Ex-Neo-Techer Speaks
   Date: 17 Aug 1995 23:00:29 -0400

"I began questioning my involvement in the company directly following
infamous monthly meeting where a bust of Christ was smashed to pieces
a sledge hammer by JF. The statue rested on the table surrounded by live
microphones. I was recording the meeting and wore headphones, not
what was about to occur. Hours later, after regaining my hearing I was
accused of doing speedballs and other drugs. I was temporarily fired and
then re-hired a week later. (Matt referred earlier to this incident as
Great I&O Purge of 1988.) After this incident, the common question
throughout the company (outside the family) was "Is this a cult?""

 -'Rocket Rod', posted to the net by
   Newsgroups: alt.neo-tech
   Subject: Re: Ex-Neo-Techer Speaks
   Date: 25 Aug 1995 20:45:35 -0400


What a waste of a life for him, and a bore for us to sit and read about these losers for even a few minutes.

146 posted on 05/20/2002 11:56:55 PM PDT by Cultural Jihad
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To: Cultural Jihad
I think the complete KOAH Neo-Tech FAQ is posted on the Web site. What you posted is only a portion of it. Neo-tech thrives and expands more powerful on being attacked. They are also very quick to correct any legitimate errors identified in any of their publications.

-'Rocket Rod', posted to the net by
   Newsgroups: alt.neo-tech
   Subject: Re: Ex-Neo-Techer Speaks
   Date: 25 Aug 1995 20:45:35 -0400 is one of the disgruntled employees that tried to coerce Neo-Tech Publishing Company to give them #10,000 bonuses that they didn't deserve.

An interesting side note. JF did smash the Church/establishment Icon Jesus whom they usurped and re-cast from Jesus. He did not the individualist Jesus.

"On defending free speech in the nineteenth century, English historian, Lord Acton, identified how individualistic ideas most vehemently opposed by the Establishment become the enduring-and-valuable ideas of the future.  Acton points to honest-rational Socrates and secular-humanist Jesus.  They both advanced ideas of the individual over the Establishment. …The threatened mob-guided political Establishment executed both men, though neither had harmed anyone or infringed anyone’s natural rights.

"The collectivist Establishment executed Socrates and Jesus for their anti-establishment, non-pious, pro-individualistic ideas for achieving personal riches and happiness. …Now, today, Pax Neo-Tech transfers their eternal prosperity in future idealistic-or-ethereal realms into practical-and-tangible realms right here-and-now on planet Earth." PAX NEO-TECH

171 posted on 05/21/2002 1:37:15 AM PDT by Zon
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