Yes. As a matter of fact He does so in Genesis in the Flood story and in his decision to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah (Abraham bargained God down on that one).
Great! I forgot all about those examples. So not only do we have my logical deduction, there's historical precedent for God changing his mind also.
Of course, one wonders why a God that is ostensibly omniscient didn't just foresee the wickedness of Noah's people, and the arguments of Abraham, and just cut to the chase, but we'll take one assertion about God at a time ;)
Yes. As a matter of fact He does so in Genesis in the Flood story and in his decision to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah (Abraham bargained God down on that one).
Then again, God created Lot and sustained him in his being. From all eternity God knew how Lot would "bargain" with Him. This biblically recorded event, like all other events, fits within God's Providence.
The description in the Bible is a recounting of events, not an example of systematic theology.