The communion issue shouldn't be complicated. If you are a chaste homosexual, or one who has sought forgiveness and truly repented from past homosexual activity, then you should be given communion. If you are promoting or condoning sin (i.e., homosexual activity), then you shouldn't. These people in Australia are fighting for acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle (rampant homosexual activity). As such, communion should be denied. - But then, the same should hold true for priests. An active unrepentant homosexual priest should not be allowed to carry out his priestly duties, and should not be given communion. The Church needs to 1) root out homosexually active priests (maybe 20-30% of the priesthood?), 2) make it clear to those lay people who are homosexually active or who are supporting those who are that they are sinning, 3) over time, reduce the number of homosexual (chaste) priests to the percentage in the population as a whole (2,3%), or lower, 4) never allow priests to be alone with children, 5) have zero tolerance for child abuse.