Frankly, even though I don't approve a mom stripping, I don't blame her. A church that tries to tell you what to do in your own home or on your own time is unacceptable. This is exactly the reason my family homechurch.
Studies have shown that homechurched children don't properly socialize with their peers.</homeschooler sarcasm>
You are so full of baloney, the Bible says to not forsake fellowship of the saints, and regulation of the church members behavior is within the powers given to the church. In fact the Bible says to disciple the sinner to restore them to repntance, and if necessary to expel the unrepentant sinner to prevent others in the church from being tempted.
This woman is an openly unrepantant sinner, Christian or not she has made the decision to be harlot at her and her daughters peril. This woman knew full well that her lifestyle was and is at odds with the Church and school. And he decision to remain a stripper will interfere with her daughters upbringing..