Bill Clinton came into office as a criminal who had things to hide. He used the power of his office to hide them. To cover his tracks. To destroy people's lives. To eviscerate the security of this nation. One third of his time was used for fundraisers. Another third for assaulting women, abusing young interns, and playing at the sink. He had no time to be concerned with the defense of this nation. He saw himself as the rock star president and still can't get off the stage. History will judge him to be a psychopathic b*stard.
To: StarFan
To: doug from upland
Bill CLinton, the evil StainMaster, will one day be brought to Justice OR he will commit additional crimes. Count on it.
3 posted on
05/17/2002 10:12:03 PM PDT by
To: doug from upland
Bill Clinton came into office as a criminal who had things to hide. CORRECTION -- Bill AND Hillary Clinton....
Thanks for putting back a little smile on my face which disappeared the minute Drudge posted the tidbit that our President was warned about 9/11 beforehand. I knew the rats were cornered with the upcoming elections, but never imagined the sneaky pete tactics they'd use to point an accusative finger at our Commander in Chief. Utter complete slimeballs with no ethics and incapable of governing. BTW, you may have to resurrect the parody on McKinney as she suddenly feels vindicated in her assessment that Dubya not only knew about 9/11 but benefited as a result.
4 posted on
05/17/2002 11:35:56 PM PDT by
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