115 People Doing Time For What Bill Clinton Did
Clinton Fined $90,000 In Paula Jones Case For Lying Under Oath - They All Party and Laugh
The Clintons partially disassembled the legal system, and the demand for accountability, in this country and were allowed to get away with it. Shrub has aided them by insisting we move on instead of examining the issue.
"Governor, in your acceptance speech you said, "I have no stake in the bitter arguments of the last few years." Is that really so? Did it merely slip by? Granted, the impeachment was stimulated by a lesser grievance than any it should have been founded upon. Nonetheless, have you no stake in making sure that a citizen outrageously brought before the governor of a state for the purpose of providing sex for him, can have her day in court? Have you no stake in the expectation that witnesses not be intimidated, evidence not be destroyed, lies not be told? Have you no stake in the assumption that the president of the United States will not perjure himself in a court of law? Have you no stake in the principle that the law applies equally to all, regardless of station? Have you no stake in checking the abuse of power? Have you no stake in ensuring that the office your father occupied with such grace not be tainted by criminality and indecency?"
And his true believers in Hollywood and elsewhere rapidly took up a collection to pay the fine.
LOL Only Bill Clinton could give criminals hope. I have to say this one equals giving illegals immigrants water and whatever else they need trying to break into the country. They're suing for 40 million dollars. (or what they really want is free access to the best country on the face of the earth).