Look, I think the guy is a fine CiC and a nice guy as well.
That said it's disingenuous to for the author of this garbage to imply that all of these liberal RINO intiatives coming from this administration are for our own good so that Mr. Bush can win the war for us.
He's implying that all of this crap (CFR, the horrid farm bill, federal takeover of airports, pandering to illegals, the Ted Kennedy education bill, etc.) is done out of his great patriotism and love of country
It's as barfworthy as any article I've seen around here.
You obviously flunked basic political theory. Apparently you think that we elected a dictator, who can wave his magic wand and grant your every wish.
The Senate is DEMOCRAT. The House is NARROWLY DIVIDED. We are AT WAR, and although the President and most of the people get it, the Hill seems to think this is the opportunity to grab goodies. President Bush doesn't have time to educate the people and get into long, drawn-out arguments about minimizing spending or why certain programs should be abolished.
This is article is exactly right. His priority is to win the war. All else pales in comparison.
And you do show up on every positive Bush thread, it seems, to trash Bush and his supporters. It is tacky, tactless, and Daschle-like.
Blind hatred...