Increasing CO2 emissions have caused Arctic temperatures to rise by five degrees Celsius over the past 100 years
Certainly not from any station measurements, Even Overpeck et. al. 1997(global warming proponents) fail to claim a 5Co using his reconstructed temperatures using proxy climate data from tree-rings, ice-cores, lake and marine sediments. .
Measurements at land sites around the arctic over the last 50 years do not begin even to support a such warming claim:
What Arctic Station Records Say for additional graphical representations of Arctic land temperatures over the last 50-100 yrs, again show no such trends.
It should be noted that the Franz Joseph Land data above, show a maximum excursion from a min to a max in 20 yrs ('63min '83max) of 5 degrees centigrade. One must watch such claims like a hawk to learn what the real basis of GW claims really are.
It should also be noted that Artic temperatures have returned to near zero trendline since '83.