Take a deep breath, please. Here, have a drink of water. Try to calm down a bit. There. That's better.
Your hyberbole-laced righteous indignation against political parties in general and Republicans in particular is noted. I'm sure you're a rugged individualist of the first order but near-hysterical rants such as the one quoted above don't really cut it. Being angry at and distrustful of politicians is fine but constant ranting with no solutions and no apparent understanding how politics 'works' is useless. Hint: You don't get to act like a dictator just because you're elected President.
It's your right to rant, sure, but yes, you'll get opposition here and you'll be called on to do a little more than simply be angry at the President and every other politician that offends you today.
That Bush is doing a fine job in a very, very tough position seems to elude most who just see what he didn't do to please them and fill out their personal agenda this week. Politics is more than that. It's complicated and Bush is showing himself a master of the art but still, every time he doesn't jump to some 'conservative' tune others play for him, he's a bum. Wrong, short-sighted and meaningless, except as a vent for your personal political frustrations.
Calm down with the wild attacks and sneering asides to anyone who doesn't believe you have all the answers or that our President is a monster. The wilder you get the less credibility you retain so post away but don't expect a free ride for your constant attacks on GW Bush and the Republican party.
Think of it this way; you could be wrong.
That's disingenuous characterization of the criticism, which -more accurately stated - would be that GWB has indeed been jumping to an extremely 'liberal democrat' tune.
One can hardly fault conservatives - Rush Limbaugh included - for pointing this out.
"Your hyberbole-laced righteous indignation against political parties in general and Republicans in particular is noted. I'm sure you're a rugged individualist of the first order but near-hysterical rants such as the one quoted above don't really cut it.
One man's read as hysteria is another man's read as tongue in cheek sarcasm. Dark sarcastic humor is more my forte; read: "Thanks for taking me in hand and calming me down".
"Being angry at and distrustful of politicians is fine but constant ranting with no solutions and no apparent understanding how politics 'works' is useless.
Listing the betrayals to conservative principles as evidence of why I won't be voting for Bush again, is ranting? You have yet to list his accomplishments, and as far as offering a solution, I have determined mine, writing in my candidate.
"That Bush is doing a fine job in a very, very tough position seems to elude most who just see what he didn't do to please them and fill out their personal agenda this week.
You all talk about the fine job Bush is doing, I must have blinked and missed it. Please I'm hungry for the details of the marvels of conservatism he has accomplished. My personal agenda this week? ROFL... Spin, thy home is found in both Republican and Demoncrat houses.;o)
"Calm down with the wild attacks and sneering asides to anyone who doesn't believe you have all the answers or that our President is a monster"
Attacks? Sneering asides? Let me check again, but I think it is rather my pants cuffs that are frayed here. But that's ok. I didn't say Bush is a monster, I said he is a soverignty assassin, one of many in both parties, if you're refering to all the betrayals of conservative principles he has preformed that I have listed, well I'm just sorry, he did them and will have to stand on his on disgraceful merits.
I think compromised principles has us where we are today, for me it is an unhappy place to be. Things may be just hunky dory as far as you are concerned, you may be delighted that immigrants are back on welfare, who knows. You know who Fox News says has both parties worried? The independent's like me, no one ever knows which way they will jump, I don't either, independents run the spectrum. It's critical for each party which way we vote and my vote is not going to come cheap.
Sure my principles and ideals are called outdated, not compatible with the new way. But I look at it this way, if that is the case, and I can no longer expect the basic right to secure borders, even at a time when terrorists are breathing down our necks, sane immigration, if I can no longer expect not to be illegally invaded or legally invaded by the hordes from the south, north, east and west neither party can offer me a just compensation. If a candidate can no longer be elected on conservative principles and has to sneak, debase himself, fool the masses, take ten steps in socialist policies to make a half step in conservative policies, isn't it pretty much all over anyway?
So that leaves people like me to be the itch that can't be scratched, the fly in the ointment, because we stubbornly believe that with the right conservative candidate, all those people out there who don't vote, will dash off their registration forms and hit the voters booth. Tell me the truth, do you think, if a Presidential candidate, who is not extreme in any direction stood up tomorrow and said, "America needs a break from immigration, America needs to deal with it's illegal immigrant situation, American needs solid and secure borders." that people would not have car wrecks getting to the polls?