I reject this because Jesus is a loving savior. If we accept the premise that he creates people only to be damned, then we have to ask ourselves what kind of behavior the "elect" will have toward ones they believe are "damned." Usually, it leads toward the elect screaming condemnation or insults at a reprobate without guilt because, after all, the person was predestined for hell, therefore all actions and words [whether Christian in nature or not] are justified in the eyes of the elect.
That isn't virtuous. And if something isn't virtuous, then it isn't "of God."
I also think that one can come to this truth by praying for knowledge of God's nature. Through grace one comes to know God intimately, and a personal relationship with Christ is indeed possible. Once one has established this personal bond, you come to realize that His nature is one of infinite and unfathomable mercy and love.
God is definitely omniscient and knows what you chose to have for dinner tonight before your conception--on this point I have no argument. You still have the will to choose what you want to eat. So it is with life decisions, and sin in particular. One can decide whether or not one wants to participate in practices they know or wrong, and can change, by grace, to become a better person. God wants everyone to go to heaven, which is why he expended himself on the cross. Not just for the elect...but ALL mankind.
You assume we know who the elect are and who the elect are not. I don't have that knowledge, do you? Do some act like they are superior to those they feel are reprobate? Yes. Are they correct in that attitude? NO.
Who establishes that personal bond?
JM How do you think we believe that God is the author of sin? Man sins because he chooses to sin.Not one person will be in hell that did not choose it..
And my friend our eternities were decided LONG before our conception..the bible tells us before the foundations of the world were laid He knew each of us
That should not be a reason for fear or anger but for reassurence. Not a bird falls from the sky without His permission...