I'm not looking forward to the reactions to it, but they should make some good memories to look back on when I'm older, and a regular poster here at Free Republic.
I have no doubt that everyone has heard all of this before. It's not like I'm posting anything shockingly new-fangled or interesting; my experiences are nothing more than phytoplankton in the immense sea of liberal opression. Therefore, I am a spectator, only coming out of the stands every once and awhile to talk about the game going on in the field.
I'm rather proud of that little metaphor, and happy to say that none of my leftist teachers had anything to do with it's making. : )
Not all teachers are liberals - my wife is a special ed teacher in VA, and she is a member of the Second Amendment Sisters.
As it happens, though, you are in the worst educational system in the country, CA.
Don't loose heart - lots of people are rooting for you.
In any case, welcome both of you to FR!