Unfortunately that is just the beginning, The burden of government in this nation is much more than the federal revenue collected each year.
Dr. James Payne of the University of California, Reason Magazine '94; found that in addition to direct taxes we also pay huge, hidden taxes including:
- Tax compliance costs: record keeping, reporting, filling out forms, and learning about tax regulations.
- Costs of tax enforcement: resources expended in responding to the tax authority. Each act of tax enforcement--each audit, each notice, each levy--entails a burden for the citizen subject to it.
- Tax disincentive costs: the loss of production because of the discouraging effect of taxes on investment and labor.
"When the overhead costs are added together, (24 percent compliance costs, 33 percent disincentive costs, and 8 percent other costs), they total 65 percent of tax revenue."
And even that figure doesn't include the cost of import duties, license fees and other government regulations. For a typical U.S. family, the real cost of taxes and regulations as a percent of gross income is at least:
Federal taxes 23.6%(taxfoundation)
State & local taxes 10.2%(taxfoundation)
Overhead costs 21.9%(James L. Payne)
Regulatory costs 13.0%(M.W. Hodges)
More than 68% of one's income is now consumed by government through tax collections, compliance costs & regulation.
The bottom line:
Rep. Bill Archer, Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee:
- "A recent survey was done, in Europe and Japan, of the major corporations and I was astounded at the results. They were asked, 'If the US abolished its income tax and went to a sales tax, would that have any impact on your decisions?' Eighty percent of the corporations said they would build their factories in the United States of America. Twenty percent said they would move their international headquarters to the United States of America."
If Congress wants patriotism, I suggest they start looking to change government policies that drive Americans away to safer harbors instead of attempting to squeeze that turnip any more.
The next step from corporate expatriation, is to move the entire manufacturing base to nations that can appreciate the value of commerce and jobs that it brings to the people.
A simple rule would save us from the waste and futility of the overloaded helping state: Never tax and subsidize the same thing. Before policy makers try to help some group, they need to make sure they are not first hurting them with their tax programs. Before they tax some interest or activity, they should check to see that they are not already subsidizing it.
This makes sense.
It continues to build.