In Washington, where less than 5000 (1500 ?) votes - all of which could have been challenged as illegal democrat votes) turned out a republican.
In Missouri, where a dead man was "allowed" to remain on the ballot, in the contest (by the locals), voted in as "his wife" as the cadidate by the demo's, and then voted in by illegal ballots cast after hours, and by illegal voters....
In GA, where a sitting republican died in office, and was arbitarily replaced by a democrat by the governor's decree.
In New Mexico, also wehre tainted ballots elected a false democrat winner.
In CT, where a democrat, (Lieberman) was allowed to run twice (as a senator and as a VP candidate) although previous Senate pressure and rules forced the withdrawal (and resignation!) of republican senators who campaigned for national office.
In New York, where blantant illegal campaign funding of Hillary's campaign by national (White House) funding gave her extra expsoure and (for exampel) where upstate homes were given national oil reserves as winter gifts.
Both parties are guilty of pulling this stunt. But Zell was elected to that office in 2000.
By the way, you forgot Chicago, where dead voters out number the living.