The rioting in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford was caused by the far-right. The British National Party, the National Front and Combat 18, they act as "agent provocateurs". Before each of the riots, the NF and C18 had been stirring up trouble in areas mainly populated by asians. After a few weeks of this sort of activity and plenty of verbal and physical intimidation, all that was required to start a riot was a small incident. I know because I was in Bradford and I witnessed the NF and C18 taunting peaceful asian residents. They also tried to do the same thing in Sunderland, but the Police stopped them, something that should have happened in the other cities where rioting occurred. The asians were reacting to provocation from the NF and C18.
The BNP deliberately facilitated the riots so that they could profit during the elections from the resentment felt by local white people towards the asian community. Its a cynical right-wing political strategy, in the old tradition of 'divide and conquer'.
If you don't believe me then look at what David Copeland (the Soho nail bomber and a member of the BNP) told the Police after he was caught: " my aim was to start a race war in this country, there'd be a backlash and then all the whites would go out and vote BNP".
Also look at what kind of people lead the BNP and the NF. The BNP Election Organiser, Tony "Bomber" Lecomber, has been jailed for a nailbomb attack. Terry Blackham, National Activities Organiser of the National Front, has over twenty convictions for violence and was sentenced to 4 and a half years after being arrested boarding a ferry to Northern Ireland carrying submachine guns and a grenade launcher. Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, received a two year suspended sentence for inciting racial hatred when he published literature denying the Holocaust.
I didn't know the FBI had infiltrated British right-wing groups too. Gosh they're everywhere, aren't they? Well, there's not much cookin' over here and they have a lot of time on their hands. They need to keep busy because we all know what idle hands are....