I read this on Cardinal Bevilacqua and thought you all should see the gay-sharks circling him and painting him as some misbegotten loon. The truth is that Cardinal Bevilacqua is the only Cardinal in America who understands this issue of homosexuality and its incompatibility with the priesthood. The Cardinal is also the only one who seems to understand what is at stake. Aside from Father Ray Ryland, the others quoted in this story especially McBrien can barely be considered Catholic because their teaching is contrary to the Magisterium, the Catechism, and the direction of the Pope.
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To: history_matters
Well, at least there is one good Bishop out there, what is Fabian Bruscowicz saying about all of this?
209 posted on
05/04/2002 4:41:00 PM PDT by
To: history_matters
No "homosexually oriented" men, not even chaste ones, are "suitable candidates" for the priesthood, he told a news conference, because heterosexual celibates "are giving up" the good of family and children, while gay celibates give up what the church considers "a moral evil.""
To: history_matters
The cardinal's views reflect an antipathy toward homosexuality that is found in the Catholic catechism, but his statements about banning even celibate gay priests surprised most of the 14 Catholic theologians and other experts contacted for comment. Two of the 14 voiced support.
The 12 who voiced dissent should be placed under interdict and forbidden from teaching in Catholic universities. When things like that start happening, we'll know that progress is being made. As it stands now, Cardinal Bevilacqua is a lone, courageous voice of TRUTH amid a chorus of "whitened sephulcres."
Dear Lord, purge your Church! Bind up the weeds to be burned!
To: history_matters
an area where doctrine is unsettledThis means that it is an area where the Church has not been yet induced to accept the proposals of these theologians for new doctrine that is more in keeping with new age modernism then is that musty 2000 year old stuff that Rome seems to be stuck in.
To: history_matters
You know one thing That does not make sense about this Gay Scandal, is that why is this centered on just American Catholic priests, I mean isn't this a problem in Catholic Churches worldwide? Despite the differences I have with the doctrine of the Catholic Church, Why is this focused only on the American branch???
To: history_matters
I see I'm a couple days late to this, but thanks for posting it; very interesting indeed.
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