My, how very clever, an insult without adressing the actual issue. You must have been the captain of the debate team!.
First, ignorant one, I drive a honest to goodness gas burning car. My next car will actually be a truck- a Chevy avalance 2500, which isn't a eco-geek car by a long shot (13/17 mpg). So before you make idiotic comments, make sure you have something to base it on.
Second, I drive what gets me the best performance for my money. Right now it's internal combustion. When Hyrdogen fuel cells reach necessary technological level for mass acceptance (compressed storage is the main issue, FWIH), I'll be getting one of those for myself. I wouldn't mind a thousand or so miles between fill ups.
So you can continue to ignorantly mock those who recognize the potential of Hyrdogen fueled transportation. I, on the other hand, will be looking to invest in companies that have workable technologies-- because whoever develops the technology that becomes the standard will make bill gates look like a kid with a paper route.
Didn't the Brits use this during WW 11 on their double decker busses? If so, I gues it really isn't new.