3 years ago I made a mad dash for it and pulled it off. At a body weight of 165, I managed 335. I still think that this is alot easier than benching 405 at a BW of 200 though. At 5'4" tall, I don't have to move the bar a whole lot.
I paid a big price though, I ended up screwing up my shoulders, especially the left one. I strained my rotators and could hardly move my shoulders. After I pulled it off, I stopped working out for a year to heal. I never got back into the iron game as much as I should have either. At the moment, my workouts are on a hiatus, as I await word from some doctors as to how to treat a strange medical condition I have (massive hydronephrosis of the left kidney).
I'm still in decent shape, and compared to the general public, I am probably in good shape. But I sure do miss going into the gym and busting a gut.
My two year old son, currently has hydronephrosis of the Left Kidney. He is undergoing exploratory tommorrow, and will probably have the valve corrected after that....