I did. But it has all been undone by the CA Liberal/Demonicrat/EnviroNaziMedia machine!
Now that's what I call a "Victim!" First you own land in a REGION known as "Palistine," (Not a Nation) and your friends attack Isreal, (An Actual Nation, not virtual) they lose your land for you in the counter attack.
THEN, you move to CA and get a bank to help you leverage your new land with a new lease on life. Then "Americans" stop you from doing anything constructive/productive with your land for so long that you lose it back to the bank in the "cause" of stopping "Urban Sprawl.(actually, we should be stopping "Government Sprawl!)
Now that's what I call a REAL victim! Not those whiners over in the justifiably occupied territories. There is NO justification for what's happening right here. This is NOT the "America" I was raised to believe in. We have "Rural Cleansing," worse than "Ethnic Cleansing," and you are not even thinking about it, let alone speaking out against it!