The Europeans hate the Jews, the leftist Jews hate the Jews, the liberals hate the Jews! If you ask me that is paranoia? May be you should consider the radical right-wing policy of Sharon as the reason for the worldwide opposition. The French election over the weekend of a right wing candidate caused a dramatic alarm all over? You should also be alarmed at Sharon the ultra right Prime Minster!
The Europeans hate the Jews, the leftist Jews hate the Jews, the liberals hate the Jews! If you ask me that is paranoia? May be you should consider the radical right-wing policy of Sharon as the reason for the worldwide opposition.How about considering the a$$holes who strap bombs to little kids, bomb pzza palors or fly airplanes full of civilians into buildings???
The French election over the weekend of a right wing candidate caused a dramatic alarm all over? You should also be alarmed at Sharon the ultra right Prime Minster!
Why? Who's side are you on anyway?