Pardon me for jumping in, but perhaps your thirst for knowledge in this matter would be more readily quenched if you would be so good as to elaborate as to what, exactly, you would consider conclusive proof, or convincing evidence, that such events took place.
Thanks for the suggestion. Honestly, I have to admit that I'm not sure what it would take to convince me either way. I do know that noone here has yet offered anything that is proof. Alas, I've not seen anything conclusive that says otherwise either. I'm just not convinced either way. Perhaps some video footage might do it. I have seen some admit that some colleges might have had such events take place, but in the same breath make the claim that it wasn't feminists doing it. But that isn't conclusive either. Mostly I just get propaganda from both sides.
And once again, I can't be certain what would be compelling, but when I do I'll surely know it.<p.