That said, of course casual encounters should be discouraged. The abortion industry would not want them to be discouraged; they'd lose business.
And then there is athe father of the baby.
He needs to have the legal right to prevent the abortion of any child he fathers, from the moment of conception forward. Instituting that would dramatically decrease the number of abortions in America.
Feminists seek "procreative autonomy", but procreation is fundamentally non-autonomous: it is a contract between a man and a woman.
A contract which says she won't kill the baby, and he won't desert the baby.
That contract is the basis for all civilized societies.
Yes and that contract is called marriage and it is made the moment a man and a woman begin intercourse. No papers or wedding vows or official sanction needed. The bible told me so. I believe it is 100% true and correct. It also describes the punishment for killing a baby in the womb as death. I believe the words "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" are recited at that point.. I also believe that the bible grants men as the head of the family with final say as to the role of the woman in the family. The man takes full responsibility for the families welfare and the decisions made. God granted man control over the lives of his wife and children.
As a man I would not give my responsibilities over to a woman since she has enough to deal with already taking care of the domestic chores. Any woman who is being treated like a man should be very angry as she is being taken advantage of and being abused.