The port director said he was impressed by the Cubans' knowledge of Tampa and of the port's business.
They brought up cruises, saying that if the U.S. government lifted the ban on visits to Cuba, Tampa could have three- and four-day trips that cruise lines can't offer now from the port.
"They certainly know who we are," Williamson said.***
."When Castro Became a Communist," by Salvador Diaz-Verson, was originally titled: "Since When Has Castro Been a Communist?" The article was first printed in Spanish in El Mundo (Miami) in 1960 and again in Ideal Magazine (Miami) in 1979. It was translated from Spanish to English by Jose G. Roig and edited for style by Ralph J. Galliano who also wrote the introduction and biography of the author to recreate the Diaz-Verson paper entitled "When Castro Became a Communist: The Impact on U.S.- Cuba Policy."***