Seems the Official reports have recommendations along the lines of "We're on to something here" and ".....more funding is needed in the area of ...."
Entrepreneurial inquisitiveness is easily squashed in bureaucracies.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind a project manager, researcher out there or at the lab or San Diego getting a sluch fund so he can devote time to his profession and truly develop research that strikes to the core of his studies. I recognize that alot of time, the system just isn't there that actually supports that insight.
I've actually found that when I've devoted less than 5 hrs of sleep per night for 20 years and spent at least 4 hrs a day on particular projects in my spare time on topics completely disjoint from my paid profession, that much to my surprise, I've actually excelled beyond the performance of professionals paid to perform in those fields.
And it's understandable. Most of our time at work get's tied up in either bureaucratic or systemic issues which have little to nothing to do with our professions. Even working in strictly research positions or as a full Professor at a world league institute, it's tough to be able to devote 4 hrs a day to any project or topic for any extended period of time.
If this guy is just trying to get some funding to use to perform that study, great, more power to him. Unfortunately, I've also bumped into 10 times the number of similarily ranked persons who will use the same language without any honest intention of actually solving or studying the problem,...they're simply yes-men attempting to form their abilities in their own empires to appear of worth to others.
The comments in the paper indicate they may have some skills to address the problem, but the portions presented as a paper are IMHO insufficient to properly frame the problem/s.
The government should just put cold fusion on the same level as other inventions.
Yankee ingenuity, not governmental assistance, will solve the problems.