Michigan has it figured out. MCRGO.
Illionis needs a needs a strong MCRGO base type of firearm supporters. The shooter club ISRA claims to represent the self defense group, but have failed to any headway on the issue.
You sound like a leader perhaps you can stir up some energy.
John Bock and John Birch are two organizations that have some traction.
I dare not commit to more than I can deliver, but I will try. Ask Mr. Birch if -- my questions and comments aside -- he would be willing to meet with me per this topic. Do you have any contacts with Mr. Bock?
They do a good job considering they only have 20,000 members, live in a state that has an anti-gun voting block that works like a machine and that the people don't vote for their freedoms. The Illinois constitution says, "Subject to the police power, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". Now how are you going to get a court ruling on something like that? I know, My group tried in Oak Park and another group tried in Morton Grove. In order to get your second Amendment rights, you're first going to have to destroy the anti-gun democratic party.