Later, he ends up being knocked unconscience when thrown from a bull in a rodeo. Everyone gathers around, asking if he's okay. Someone asks him if he remembers his name, and he replies, " I remember the Alamo.", which results in dozens of Stetsons being flung in the air with a "Yeehah!"
Say what you want about that movie, but he really captured the essence of the "Spirit of Texas" in those scenes.
My wife and I were at the coast one year (So. Padre). We ran into some of my coworkers down there (we lived in Austin at the time). Ended up having dinner with them. One of them was from one of the other states and the others were trying to convince him that we really did do this in Texas. Anyway ... as the happless transplant was in the restoom, one of the others convinced the entire eating populace in the restaurant to join in the chorus when he started singing.
It worked like a charm and the transplant bought it ... hook, line and sinker!