The first is that the whole "self esteem" problem identified in girls by the feminists cannot be laid at the feet of oppressive men. Girls have more to do with each others self esteem than boys do. This is just common sense, but in the era of feminist ideologues it bears repeating.
The second is that there is a problem with the way our schools are structured. It lends itself far too easily to a "Lord of the Flies" society, in which children are socialized by other children, rather than by adults. Everytime I hear critics of homeschooling complain that homeschooled children miss out on the "socialization" that goes on in schools, I think about the sort of incidents described in this article.
My 14 year old daughter and her little group of friends know exactly what the bully girls are all about and ignore/avoid them with disdain. They know what these girls really are: sluts, hoochie mamas, and ultimately LOSERS.
Shame on parents who spoil their daughters, turning them into little monsters.