There should be a tax on "No Smoking" signs, caffeine free coffee and a tax on Nutrasweet and a double tax bought on everything bought at a health food store.
Any gifts to Greenpeace, PETA and any other eco-freak organization should be taxed to the payee at 75 percent of the donation as these organizations cost the public untold costs in rectifying their terrorist actions.
Any money given to NOW and Emily's List should be taxed at 100 percent. We must level the playing field and this would be a good start.
All liberal college professors should have their income taxed at 90 percent because we know they're not worth 10 percent of what they're paid and the damage they do to the children has to be undone, usually causing great expense to the public coffers. Deprogramming is very expensive.
Since public school teachers have been educated at public expense beyond their intelligence, we should take at least 75 percent of their salary (all sensitive Freeper schoolteachers..... this is a JOKE).
There should be a $1,000 extra tax per year for everyone who DOES NOT have a gun in their home because we have to provide extra protection for those sissies.
The UN should be charged property taxes at least three times what private enterprise pays in New York City because they use a disproportionate proportion of city resources and they need to pay their fair share.
All UN ambassadors should pay a $10,000 entry fee into the United States for each time they arrive in this country but not less than $10,000 per year.
Bicycles should be taxed for anybody over 20 because they pay NOTHING to keep up the highways and it's not fair. Children shouldn't be taxed on their bicycles. We're doing this FOR THE CHILDREN.