Bin-Laudin: Organized training camps to train terrorists.
Arafat: Controls central education system indoctrinating and training children(kindergarden through high school) on hating, attaching, and killing Jews!
Bin-Laudin:Head leader of Al-Queda, a known terrorist organization
Arafat:Head leader of Hamass, a known terrorist organization.
Bin-Laudin:Like to kill by blowing up buildings and killing civilians.
Arafat:Likes to kill by blowing up buildings and killing civilians.
Bin-Laudin:Uses sworn Al-Queda followers to do his bidding
Arafat: Uses sworn Hamass member to do his bidding
Bin-Laudin:Hates Americans for supporting Jews!
Arafat:Hates Jews for being Jews!
Bin-Laudin:Fanatic Arab
Arafat:Fanatic Arab
Bin-Laudin:Master mind of blowing up of buildings and 1 battleship
Arafat:Mastermind of Munich Olympic killings, 1970's aircraft highjacking and blowing up of planes, the Infada, and suicide bombings.
Bin-Laudin:Twists teachings of Islam to extremist degrees to brainwash bombers.
Arafat:Twists teachings of Islam to extremist degrees to brainwahs bombers.
No matter how you cut it, Arafat is a terrorist, and it is becoming more and more appearent, (much to my great disappointment) that Bush talks out of both sides of his face!
Simple stupid, Bin-Laden has been launching attacks on Americans and the American interests abroad. Remember the World Trade Center? The Pentagon? The USS Cole, two US Embassies? Arafats suicide bombers target Israelis. He's their problem, not ours.
Similarly, the IRA in Ireland are terrorists and they have been known to attack our closest allie, Great Britain, but we dont label them terorists and bomb them either.