Now, granted, I might be mistaken on this; if you were to provide some substantive past material on where you ever opposed Bush in this FR forum on any issue, I'd be happy to retract that observation. Truly.
I have had my words of support for Bush from time to time; mostly post-9/11. A great majority of my posts on his performance are in opposition, though. I admit. My criticism of him is policy driven, not personality driven (either hatred of him, or on the other hand, blind allegiance bordering on cultism).
I'll give the man credit on the issues he deserves. Not much here, though, IMHO.
I'm sure the President wants to say "F--- it, let the Israelis kill all the bad guys they want." The problem is, we'd be hit with Arab Oil Embargo II. We import a higher percentage of our oil now than we did in the 1970s.
No, the first thing we need to do is to get our energy policy sorted out. Drilling in ANWR and getting new hybrid technologies in general use have to come first, then the big upraised middle finger.
Let's not put the cart before the horse.