You sound just like my rep, Oregon 4th dist. Rep. Peter Defazio-D. Not that that's always bad but I just wanted you to know where else that information is coming from.
I guess that we are going to have to agree to disagree. Cause my P-Od-O-Meter is at 9 over this. At least we do agree that this a bad piece of legislation that should be struck down by the SCOTUS. And while I still believe that both houses and the office of pres are (or at least should be) bound to stay within the limits of the current Constitution....well, I just going to leave it at that.
For the record, I agree with you and Sen. McConnell that the 60-day limit should be held unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
The President was dealt a lousy hand on this one by Jim Jeffords, Ken Lay, Enron and Arthur Andersen. But he got the House bill, increased hard money and expedited review by SCOTUS.
While we may disagree on how the Prez played this one, as conservatives lets stay focused and united on the overall agenda.