You give yourself away, Basher. No one who ever supported Bush ever calls him Jr. as he is not a Jr. Gore was a junior.
And now some words from your hero, Ronnie.
"When I began entering into the give and take of legislative bargaining in Sacramento, a lot of the most radical conservatives who had supported me during the election didn't like it. "Compromise" was a dirty word to them and they wouldn't face the fact that we couldn't get all of what we wanted today. They wanted all or nothing and they wanted it all at once. If you don't get it all, some said, don't take anything.
"I'd learned while negotiating union contracts that you seldom got everything you asked for. And I agreed with FDR, who said in 1933: 'I have no expectations of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average.'
"If you got seventy-five or eighty percent of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later, and that's what I told these radical conservatives who never got used to it."
Ronald Reagan, from his autobiography, An American Life
Gave myself away? I wasn't aware there was some arcane political esoterica associated the use of "junior."
I said it before, many times. I'll say it again: I never liked Bush, either of them. I voted for Bush while holding my nose. It was a vote against Gore, which happened to fall to Bush.
I'm sorry if by calling him "junior" I'd inadvertantly dissed your hero. But he was never mine. I voted for Keyes in the primary, and wanted Browne in the general.