With a (fleeting) 80% approval rate, he couldn't even muster the courage the spend a little political capital to defend free speech. Imagine what this weenie would be like with a 45% rate, which he doesn't even merit with me at this point.
He's a wuss, a weenie, a big-government politician.
Bush is a wimp.
Only to be shot down and shut up by the "Be Silent, Trust, and Go Along with the Party" faction of Republicanism Firsters.
Let's brainstorm. How can we generate this massive outpouring of conservative anger at President Bush on his sellout, into a cogent political movement within the GOP to attempt to deny him the Nomination in 2004 and get a true conservative lined up for it.
Otherwise, perhaps we're all just blowing smoke and Karl Rove and the others, with their flack jackets on, know it and will just wait out the storm.....