You make your point quite well and there are many that would join you in your position.
I do believe that the third party, the empty threat, does have some motivating influence. It is however like the hostage threatening to break his own knee -- double edged. Succession is an empty issue with no regional emphasis at this time. Internal, local impact within the counties and caucuses is where the change to the National Republican agenda can be made. What we don't yet have is a clear understanding of why that isn't occuring in NC.
Momentum is an amazing thing. It takes a tremendous expenditure of energy over a short period of time or a minute amount of energy over an amazingly long and protracted period of time to see the effect on a large body with a lot of mass. Sometimes when things start, those who initiate the action can't really tell how something is going to play out. Who knows if I am small voice in the wilderness that may never be heard, or if I am the first snowflake at the leading edge of an avalanche. But I am going to start this ball rolling and see where it goes. The current status quo is unacceptable and I am not going to take it anymore.