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WTO: Latest rulings against US
World Trade Organization ^ | March 26

Posted on 03/25/2002 9:23:38 PM PST by GeronL

Dispute Settlement Body 8 March 2002

DS202: United States — Definitive safeguard measures on imports of circular carbon quality line pipe from Korea

After the adoption of the Appellate Body report by the DSB, the Republic of Korea made a statement in which it welcomed the findings and rulings that the US safeguard measure on line pipe is not consistent with various provisions of the WTO safeguard agreement. Korea, as well as the EC, Australia, Hong Kong China and Japan, noted in their respective statements the fact that safeguard measures are extraordinary measures which can only be applied when very strict conditions are met. Mexico and Canada commented on the exclusion of these countries from the measures under the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) with the United States. The US regretted that the AB affirmed the ultimate conclusion of the panel in this dispute but said it plans to respond quickly to this ruling.

Implementation of the recommendations of the DSB

DS160: United States — Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act

The US reported to the DSB that it has been engaged in discussions with the European Communities to find a positive and mutually acceptable resolution to the dispute. In light of those discussions, the US said, the arbitration in this matter has been suspended at the joint request of the parties. The EC noted that the US has not made progress towards compliance with its obligations under the TRIPS Agreement.

DS136: United States — Anti-dumping act of 1916

The US notified the DSB of House Resolution 3557, introduced in the US Congress on December 20, 2001, which would repeal the 1916 Act. The EC said compliance will only be achieved once the law is effectively repealed and pending cases terminated.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: freetrade; idiots; soveriegnty; wyo
So much for "free trade". They are forcing us to change our laws, even our copy-right laws and anti-dumping laws.

They are even micromanaging how we package pipes and such.

1 posted on 03/25/2002 9:23:38 PM PST by GeronL
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To: GeronL
Just wait until they sue us, because we are growing our own tomatos...
2 posted on 03/25/2002 9:36:29 PM PST by alphadog
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To: GeronL
WTO........the extortion arm of the NWO.
3 posted on 03/26/2002 12:19:31 AM PST by brat
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