Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible. "The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances."
The objective is to desensitize the public to its revulsion against homosexuality by having people constantly talking about it in a neutral or supportive manner. "As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message--of normalcy. "
Especially the children. The sexual deviants think they loathe themselves because all of society is saying their deeds are evil, but really their self-loathing comes solely from within their own consciences. They erroneously think that if only everyone were to tell them how wonderful their perversion is, then they would be able to feel good about themselves. Even if they can propagandize enough people into accepting and praising their perversion, there is still going to be an upcoming generation in 20 years, and they're going to be as disgusted by it as most people are today, and all these battles will have to be fought all over again, and hence the perverts are ultimately not going to win.