With respect, neither you nor I are the arbiter of whether or not the coming of the Messiah is nigh.
Zionism as defined by Theodor Herzl is religiously neutral.
I claimed I was controlling G-d's will? Something is rather strange in your thought process? The only affirmitave action that I think people can do to hasten the coming of Moshiach is to beg G-d for his coming, encourage others to turn their hearts to G-d, and to adhere to the laws of the Torah in a scupulous manner.
We are way, way, beyond him. The Bible makes clear that the bloody Time of Trouble will leave only one-third of the world's previous population alive, and
that Tribulation is to last (some say) seven years...and some say a Generation...
and only then does Messiah come and usher in the fulness of redemption (geulah shelemah)...