Even if you glide past Watchin's Post 142, Islam is still a valid point of discussion.
Because the IRS categorizes Islam as "religion" doesn't mean that's the only way to view it. Anwar Shaikh makes very good arguments that Islam is the Arab National Movement out to conquer the world, not save souls. The actions of its followers give credence to Shaikh's assertions. The first Moslem contingent to arrive in the United States (1921 or '22) stated their goal was to "turn the U.S. into an Islamic state".
Moslems are not part of a real religion; they're gang members whose founder commanded them to "Fight the disbelievers (non gang members) who dwell near to you ..." (Surah 9:123) Can you imagine a real religion where their God directly commands them to kill the opposition? Or take whatever you can from other gangs but give 20% to Allah, the Messenger... (Surah 8:41, 8:69)? Or beat their wives (Surah 4:34)? Do these commands strike you as RELIGION?
If, in 1870, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan had the foresight to say "God commanded me to kill all the blacks", today, the KKK would be getting tax exempt status as a religion. We'd be watching the Grand Wizards on TV stating that "KKK is peace".
Instead the NRA helped arm and train some of its targets. Somehow after that, the boys in the white hoods seemed less interested in burning crosses in the yards of, or lynching, people that had the benefit of that help.