He hasn't changed his mind, he's just being a weasel. He figures the USSC will handle it and that he can skate from the issue. He IS a liar, if he signs it. .....and, YES, we should ditch the jackass over this. We can do MUCH better.
Yeah like who? Who is going to take over the war effort, Rumsfeld is not going to be in a Hillary administration. Yep let's just change administrations, because of a minor issue.
The more things change the more things stay the same. 1991 Bush has Saddam Hussein in a corner but there is a minor recession and the handgernade with a bad haircut "comes" to the rescue, only to usher in the Clintons.
Sheesh, no wonder the right has derservedly earned the nickname, "reactionaries".
Trent Lott?